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Sunday, 2 October 2005
The game I'll never forget
Topic: Weirdness
As most of you know, I'm a big OU (University of Oklahoma) fan. . .shoot. . .I graduated there in 2001. I am also a HUGE football fan, therefore the PERFECT scenario would be to watch OU football. My dad called and wanted me to attend the OU/K State game with him on Saturday night. It's the first night game of the season. Although I'm still having incision issues, I JUMPED at the chance to go, not only for my love of the Sooners but also for my sanity! ;)

Dad drives 100 mph to get there and we make our way into the stadium. As we are heading to our seats, my dad literally, and I mean LITERALLY, brushes by a very small man whom smiled as I made eye contact with him and we smile and nod out of courtesy. . .until we both look at each other in shock. Was it?? Could it be?? But why would HE be here?? In Norman, OK. And if it was him, man he's small, and isn't he supposed to race in Talledega tomorrow?. . .and I still HATE HIM!!! And did I say he was small?????

That shocker took me a LONG time to recover from. I even called Bubba at home and told him to be on the look out to see if the news covered his attendance, but they didn't!

The second thing that made this game unforgettable was a big bang that we heard behind us during the second quarter. I knew something was wrong, but had no clue. A man killed himself by detonating a pipe bomb. You can read about it here. That also shocked me and shook me up pretty good once we found out what had happened. We would have never known had my mom not called my dad and told him we were in lockdown. Thank God for cell phones eh?

So as you can "see," a game that was to be non eventful and fun, turned into a celebrity seeing, "explosive" and also Wildcat butt whipping game. Never a dull moment. And hey, BOOMER SOONER!

Posted by piperdanaiok at 11:06 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 31 August 2005
Who REALLY needs a TiVo??
Topic: Weirdness
Imagine. . .a post not regarding the boys!

Remember when the whole TiVo craze started?? I do. And I was like, "Why in the WORLD would you need to record a show or pause live tv. That's just so freaking lazy. Just shove a tape in the VCR and hit record." I would totally ignore those people that talked non-stop about it. And then. . .it hits Chris.

This is like 2 months ago ok? Just two months ago before Chris starts looking into this. And it's only because the cable company has come out with their own version and, ya know, "It's only $5 more per month than we're already paying." (he makes statements like this A LOT) So we drive to the cable place and get the digital dvr cable box.

Fast forward to today. HOW IN THE WORLD DID I LIVE WITH OUT THAT THING?!?!? Seriously!! Now I know what all the hype is about! It's seriously freaking AWESOME! (Do you not see all the CAPS in this post. This means I'm serious!) I fear the day that we don't have the "recorder box thingy" (that's the technical name for it). It records nasty things that I don't care to watch like, "The History of the Revolver from the Civil War" but also records things that I do like ie. Big Brother 6 and chick flicks!! Cale also enjoys watching recorded episodes of Maisy on it, and ironically, Maisy just never seems to be there during football or on Sundays! (Aren't we awful!?!)

Needless to say. . .I GET THE TiVo CRAZE! I apologize for all of the hideous things I said and thought about those that were near marriage with their recorders. You're right. . .I should go propose right now!

Posted by piperdanaiok at 6:19 PM CDT
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Monday, 20 June 2005
Topic: Weirdness
My dear sweet and kind husband brought me a cup full of Hershey Kisses to lunch today. He knew I was deprived of chocolate this weekend and thought it would make me feel better. I've always loved kisses, but today, they are doing nothing but MAKING ME ANGRY!!!

It seems that I pop the kiss out of that annoying little foil wrapper, throw it in my mouth and by the time I'm done rolling the foil into a ball to throw away, that danged kiss is gone!! Am I doing more work than what I'm getting out of it?!?

It reminds me of those dumb little M&M minis too. Boy, if those aren't a waste of energy!! YIKES!!! I guess I want a bite of chocolate that will stay for a bit. And no, I don't just chew it and swallow. I do this let it melt in my mouth for a bit and then chew it and then let it melt a bit more and then chew the rest. Don't ask ok?!?

So anyway, just felt the need to vent about the kisses. Maybe I should just get off my fat butt and throw these freaking foil balls away and find something else to complain about ;)

Posted by piperdanaiok at 3:40 PM CDT
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Saturday, 4 June 2005
Happy One Year Blog Day!!
Topic: Weirdness
One year ago today I started this blog. It's amazing what can happen in one year! :) I'm kind of glad that it wasn't 1 year old yesterday - yesterday was a very UGLY day for me. But today is a little better despite the sticky heat and tomorrow, well, just like one year ago, tomorrow is Bubba's birthday!

Once again, he's not too excited about it. We've got dinner plans at our favorite - Red Rock Canyon Grill. He's pretty pumped about that, but considering we've really stopped spending money and I won't let him spend money, we're not planning on doing much else. We might hit a baseball game tonight. . .but that's still up in the air :)

Not much else to report. Oh wait, yes there is. Mom, dad, Carly & Jason left bright and early yesterday morning for Hawaii. Carly & Jason will have a little wedding ceremony on the beach tomorrow night, but, get this, technically they're already married. They signed the paper back in April and NOBODY KNEW!!!! So typical really. But I'll share pics on my site as soon as dad sends them over. It was weird to hear them getting ready for the ceremony because dad bought new "wedding sandals" for the ocassion. Interesting huh?? Pretty different from the tuxes and flowers at my wedding. But Carly & Jason are cool with it. And by the way, who in their right mind would want their parents/in-laws on their honeymoon?!?!? NOT ME!!!! :) That gives me the willies!!

So as Chris & I blew up Cale's swimming pool today, Cale asked what the palm tree was. I told him it was called a palm tree, like they have in Hawaii where Oma and Odie were. He accepted that explanation and I told Chris that apparently this was supposed to be fair because, we were sitting in a wading pool with a plastic palm tree and mom and dad were sitting on the BEACH under REAL palm trees. Seems we got the crummy end of the deal. Oh well, Chris lucks out if mom and dad see any kind of large sea mammal because he's got his own right here!! ;)

Happy 1 year blog day. . .and people in Hawaii that call and say "ALOHA" every 2 hours in a very irritating tone. . .kiss my wide mammal hiney!!!!!!

Posted by piperdanaiok at 3:29 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 20 April 2005
Coffee talk
Topic: Weirdness
Ya know, I'm not one to like coffee. I've tried it numerous times and it just doesn't turn me on. When people hear of this they look at me like I've just hit them. Sorry folks, don't like ANYTHING that tastes like coffee. Nothing that has coffee in it even! (Why do people do that??? Start naming off stuff to see if they can catch me. It's like seafood. I don't like it!! Nope, not shrimp, not shark, not crab, not fish. NOTHING IN THE SEAFOOD CATEGORY!!!!! But I digress. . . ) One thing I DO like about coffee is the smell. I grew up in a house of coffee inhalers. In case you need a definition of a coffee inhaler, it's not a person that puts coffee beans or grinds into a bag and takes puffs from it. Oh no, a coffee inhaler is a person that will literally inhale the coffee that is too scalding hot to actually let it touch their mouths. So they inhale it straight down. This is what I lived with. To this day, my dad will literally drink cup after cup after cup after cup all day long at work (sorry dad, I did work with ya for awhile you know!! And BTW, Doesn't Uncle Rick still have your Irby cup?!?!?).

Wow, I am kind of spouting off in different directions today!

When Chris and I got married, we didn't register for a coffee pot. We did, however, receive one as a gift. We didn't use it until recently. . .because Chris has become a user. He is now an official coffee user. On Saturday mornings I can smell it through the house. It's a nice comforting memory for me :) But the real topic of this post is Starbucks. I personally don't see the love for Starbucks that others do, even Gretchen posted about it today. I've been in there one time and I drank rootbeer!! Chris absolutely LOVES his $5 cup of coffee and swears by them. So he's hooked on Starbucks also. But what's wild is they didn't really appear here in the city until about 2 years ago. Now there's one on the corner and on the opposite corner is a Target. . .with a Starbucks in it! I always saw them as the coffee house for the snobbish and jerky. I mean seriously, $5 for coffee???? But I figured they knew what they were doing, they are, afterall, a massive chain. But my opinion of those that purchase their beverages has dramatically changed.

We go to the mall to walk and people watch. Cale enjoys it and it gets us out of the house. As we sat upstairs waiting for the water show, I glanced over to these BIG HUGE HAIRY MEN, one dressed like he'd just unmounted from his horse and the other like he'd just turned off his big bulldozer on the construction site. Picturing them now?? They were two very interesting chaps, talking and sitting at their glass table. . .and my eyes wandered to their big rough dirty hands, both pairs wrapped tightly around a Starbucks cup. Luckily Cale grabbed my attention away or I would have had to pick my jaw up off the floor. I never thought that blue collar workers were Starbucks drinkers. But I'll be. . .Starbucks appeals to all sorts and apparently is also an addiction had by people in different realms.

So the moral to the story is, although I don't like what they serve, Starbucks taught me that they can unite the different cultures and ethnic groups. How many chains can say that??

Posted by piperdanaiok at 4:16 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 12 April 2005
What I'm listening to. . . .
Topic: Weirdness
To get the full effect, imagine a totally white backdrop, see Paul Simon and Chevy Chase playing trumpets. . .feel it yet????


**singing**Where's my wife and family? What if I die here? Who'll be my role model, now that my role model is gone. Gone.

He ducked back down the alley with some, roly poly little batfaced girl.

All along, along, there were incidents and accidents there were hints and allegations.

If you'll be my bodyguard, I can be your long lost pal. I can call you Betty and Betty when you call me you can call me Al. Call me Al.


One of my first MTV memories ;) And I LOVE IT!!!!! I just can't help but want to stand and kick my legs out. Maybe wear an ugly Hawaiian shirt. . .anyone else?? No wonder Chris doesn't want to hang out with me! LOL

Posted by piperdanaiok at 4:34 PM CDT
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Friday, 25 March 2005
Excuse me while I speak to the child
Topic: Weirdness
Hello. . .little big baby inside my HUGE stomach. Would you mind FLIPPING YOUR TINY BUTT AROUND?????? Seriously. . .I hate to keep comparing you to Cale, but he was head down at this point in his early development. I know you're in there, I know you can hear me! Why have you ignored my pleading and begging?? A bladder is not for jumping on, neither is the bed or couch, so just flip your little self head down, kick the crap out of my waist and let's call it a day. Whaddya say?? Stop it. STOP. IT. I feel you doing that. What about food. Wanna bargain with food?? How about salsa? Will that work?? Or pizza?? Or broccoli?? JUST TELL ME WHAT I MUST DO???

I guess we'll get back to this later. . .you're jumping again and the urge to pee is overwhelming. Now it's not. Now it is. Now it's not. STOP THE INSANITY!!!!!!

Posted by piperdanaiok at 5:56 PM CST
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Tuesday, 15 March 2005
I'm alive!
Topic: Weirdness
I know I know. . .I haven't updated this lately. But, you can all sleep soundly tonight because I am alive. I did make it through surgery and so did "Dot." We had a bit of trouble with pain relief which meant I was aware of all the pain after surgery, but I now feel like a new woman!!

Wednesday after I'd written my last entry, we went and had dinner with Ma and Pa (Chris' grandparents). I had MAYBE two whole tortilla chips and BAM. . .another attack. It kind of gave me peace of mind to know that we needed to get the darned thing out. The surgeon said it was twice the normal size, filled with sludge and numerous tiny stones. If I felt up to the challenge, I'd post the pics for you. ;) A week later at my post op appointments, I'd lost a total of 20 pounds, but felt better and "Dot" was a trooper through it all. Now I'm enjoying anything I can get my hands on, but it's taken me awhile to lose my "I can't eat anything" frame of mind.

Now, on other news, this Thurs at 2 CST, we go to find out what "Dot" really is!! We can hardly wait!! Then we'll go shopping and start planning like mad! The general feeling of family and friends is a girl, but unlike Cale, I have no sure and certain feelings what this one is. Kind of strange really. But the beauty part is that means I'll be happy and euphoric and won't be disappointed no matter what the outcome. . .unless we don't get to find out and then I'll be a force to reckon with! LOL

And on another front, iVillage is who I hosted all of my websites with. Well, they're not hosting them anymore and were supposed to transfer all of the information over to Lycos about 3 weeks ago. So far that I've heard, no one's sites have been transferred so I'm not sure what's up with it. So if anyone knows of a great website builder that's free with PLENTY of room, please let me know! Ya know, just in case I have to rebuild the MILLIONS OF PAGES. Then I'll be yet another force to reckon with! LOL Maybe I should just go take a nap and come back to this later so I'm not so threatening!! ;)

Posted by piperdanaiok at 2:38 PM CST
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Thursday, 10 February 2005
Holy smokes
Topic: Weirdness
So last night we're waiting for Cale to wake up from his nap. . .wait, how many entries do I start out with the word "So. . ." b/c I might need to find another more fitting word. But I digress.

It's Ma's birthday and we are meeting the whole clan for dinner (what will Piper eat?!?!? MORE DRY CHICKEN!?!?!?!?) and Chris, of course, is FrEaKiNg out about the time. Hi, yes, we have 45 minutes before we need to be there and it only takes 15-20 minutes to get there. CHILL OUT!

I'm a HUGE ABC watcher and the commercial comes on for World News Tonight with Peter Jennings. As I cram some bubble wrap around the picture of Cale for Ma, I hear him say, "Blogging. Should you be fired for things that you say in your personal online journal?" I look up at Chris without missing a beat and laugh and say, "Ha!! They've been dooced!!!" And Chris was all, "Huh??" And I go on to explain that in my daily blog lurking, I read a blog named Dooce written by Heather, a friend of a friend of a friend (ya know that kind) and she got fired from her job for her blog, BUT, the key here, is that b/c of being out of town, slightly busy and pregnantly tired, I haven't kept up with my daily blog readings, I missed the announcement that SHE WAS FEATURED IN THE REPORT!!!!!!

Read it for yourself! Interesting huh???? Definitely something to ponder for those in the working world. As for myself, I'd LOVE to see Chris fire me over things written here. He's scared to death that I'll take off again on a weekend or shoot, 3 days to Tulsa without taking Cale. OH THE HUMANITY OF IT ALL!!! ;) Wouldn't want the boys to have any bonding time now would we?? Yep, let the two of them fire me. Then the world would come crashing down when Chris couldn't find Cale's milk and Cale could be smelled before he could be seen. FIRE ME!!! I DARE YA!!!

Posted by piperdanaiok at 11:07 PM CST
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Tuesday, 1 February 2005
Topic: Weirdness
So I've been sick and not a happy camper. I was told to rest yadda yadda yadda and one day, ended up here in front of the trusty Dell. Now. . .the only word to describe it is OBSESSED!!!!!! Seriously. It's worrisome.

It's a game called Zuma and I've been trying to hide my addiction to it from Chris and everyone else. But for those that went with me down the Lemonade Tycoon road, you know I won't steer you wrong.


Now, have fun!! *insert evil snickering laugh here*

Posted by piperdanaiok at 4:32 PM CST
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