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Blah blah blah
Wednesday, 15 March 2006
My dancing
Topic: Weirdness
Mom and dad have always enjoyed my "dancing." The word "dancing" is in quotes because although it is dancing, it's not dancing that you would do in front of people of importance, not that mom and dad aren't important, well shoot, I'm just getting myself buried here :)

Anyway, I saw this commercial from Carl's Jr (drag the cow to the box to see it) and just needed the song to dance to. I finally found it - It's by Sean Paul and called Get Busy, HOWEVER, after seeing a rather large woman on the Jell-O commercial while the music goes "Jiggle and a Wigglin' free, in a Wiggle and Jigglin' spree". . .I will no longer be dancing. If THAT'S what I look like, I sincerely apologize for EVER dancing in my fun manner.

Now I understand why everyone laughed and wanted me to do it over. . .and over. . .and over. Glad my jigglin' fat amuses you. :)

Posted by piperdanaiok at 11:21 AM CST
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Monday, 13 March 2006
Send money
Topic: Me!
I need money. I do. I usually don't spend money like SOMEONE ELSE THAT LIVES WITH ME (boy can he spend money, especially other people's money!) but today, there are quite a few things that I'd like to have.

Since Pruitt has been born, I've worn him. I have a few carriers in my stash, but I'm really wanting this new mei tai with wrap style straps. Found these others too. I'd also like a new wrap or two to add.

Amazingly enough, I could also use another nursing bra. . .how sad is that?? And a few more shirts would be helpful too! Especially with this weather around Oklahoma. Yesterday, on March 12, 2006, it was 88?!! Ummm. . .isn't it still winter????

Next starts my shoe addiction. I really haven't gotten many new pairs of shoes the past few years. Here are a few that I could live with in my rotation :) I think these are TOO cute! They scream me. And they'd be a great option to my blue Uggs. Although, I might replace my blue Uggs with the new lace up style. I'd also gladly add these slides to my wardrobe. I can picture them now. . .

Now, there are things I'd like for the boys too. We got Cale a twin bed (his room just isn't big enough for a full right now) and ordered the quilt. . .but there's nothing to go with it!! I need curtains and sheets and shams :) Cale also had these last summer and he's standing at my shoulder telling me he needs another pair LOL And he's adding these to his list also. Do you know how hard it is to find lighted shoes in a size 12.5 or 13?!?!?

Now for Pru, I've always adored this darling set (or one like it) but just haven't been OK'd to buy. Of course, I'm always drooling over the latest designs by our friends at Robeez. :)

Then there's ebay. Don't even get me started.

But maybe I can sell Bubba. Would someone out there buy him?? I would normally sell Cale, but he's being good today ;)

Anyway, feel free to donate to my wants today. I'd greatly appreciate it :)

Posted by piperdanaiok at 10:31 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 13 March 2006 11:19 AM CST
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Monday, 27 February 2006
Whip out a kleenex
In true Cale fashion, he stole my heart today. But first, I have to start at the beginning.

As some of you may know, Bubba had his wisdom teeth taken out on Friday. Yep, all 4. So, I went from a mother with two children, to a SINGLE mother of THREE children thanks to an oral surgeon and some freaking teeth :) Since Friday, I've traded my kids in and out, pumped, played errand runner, waitress, vomit cleaner-upper (yep, Bubba got violently sick Friday night. . .for THREE HOURS), then tack on my normal duties!! It's been a long 4 days to say the least. If I wasn't handing out drugs, then I was fixing scrambled eggs or steamed rice or pudding or gatorade or chicken noodle soup minus the chicken (which isn't too odd considering I do this for Cale - isn't his wife going to thank me? LOL). By today, I was just fed up with everything.

Bubba kept thinking up things that he wanted to attempt to eat, but that we didn't have on hand. Finally, I just stated, "Well, why don't you put more money in the bank so that I can go get you EVERYTHING THAT YOU WANT??" He grunted and I continued washing dishes. Not two minutes later, here comes Cale. And do you know what that child did/said to me? He handed me two fistfuls of change and said, "Here's you some money to put in the bank." In true mother fashion, I cried. How can a three year old have such a mature and kind heart?!?!? Oh, the waves of love that those words sent through my soul. Just the sweetest thing.

That is momma's Lover Dover. . .that's where he got that nickname. . .not from smacking me in the face with a pinwheel tonight, nope, that's not my Lover. I will try and remember that moment everytime he screams, yells, ignores me, etc. Those moments are what make it all worth while and I believe that's God's way of saying, "Don't rip his head off just yet. . .there is hope." ;)

Posted by piperdanaiok at 10:59 PM CST
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Thursday, 23 February 2006
The Human Jukebox
Topic: Momma's Lover Dover
First off and TOTALLY off the topic, when I went to add this entry to my blog, there's an advertisement ticker that said, BIG MOMMA and my initial thought was, HEY NOW!!! That's uncool. Then it hit me it was for the new movie. . .but it doesn't say that!!

Anyway, I get made fun of a lot for my extensive file of songs that I have stored in my noggin. I love music, what can I say? But the funniest part is that I've passed part of my file cabinet down to Cale. He loves music so much. He also loves all different kinds of music which makes this hysterical! Chris made a cd for himself which Cale has determined is actually his. **Diversion** I just looked down to see Pru rolling, yes ROLLING, across the floor to get to a piece of paper. Isn't he too young for this?? **end of diversion** Cale loves the Boom Boom song (otherwise known as Queen's We Will Rock You). He will sing the song LOUDLY. Some words are clear and some are jumbled together, but it's funny regardless. The next song is a song that I don't care for. Chris loves it, but it's just not my style of country. It's Big and Rich's Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy. Cale loves it. Imagine a 3 year old singing THOSE lyrics!

Then, I made a cd for my brother-in-law, but it got left at my parents' house. Cale found it, put it in his DVD player and found it had the Boom Boom song on it. Mom and dad let him listen to it thinking it was harmless. Last week we were watching the George Lopez show and their theme song is Low Rider. We thought Cale as mimicking the song, but, after I questioned him TWICE, I got what he was saying, "Oh my gosh Becky, look at her butt. . ." I seriously almost died. SERIOUSLY. Not exactly a song for him to break into at school ya know?!?

I'm proud that I've passed down my love for music, but what happened to Twinkle Twinkle or Mary Had A Little Lamb for pre-schoolers? Well, if I can figure out how to record him singing these songs, I'll post it here for your listening pleasure. You'll laugh til you pee. ;)

I best be going now before Pruitt claws a hole through the wall!!!

Posted by piperdanaiok at 3:52 PM CST
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Sunday, 19 February 2006
Who knew??
Topic: Weirdness
Every once in a while a person will have a moment when they say, "Huh. . .who knew!?!" I had one today.

It's been sleeting and snowing here so I knew I wouldn't leave the house. I ended up cooking. . .A LOT. . .this weekend. Today's project - no bake chocolate cookies. As I finished spooning them out on the wax paper, I licked the spoon. Here's where my, "Huh. . .who knew?!?" moment occurred.

Did you know that if you leave a big tub of bubble gum, albeit closed, in the same pantry as the rest of your food that it will give your oatmeal a nice bubble gum flavor????

See!! A piece of pretty useless knowledge, but at least you'll sleep better tonight!!

Posted by piperdanaiok at 8:51 PM CST
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Wednesday, 15 February 2006
And your name is. . . .
Topic: Weirdness
In my family, no one ever calls you by your name. NEVER. Seriously, I'm thrown off when someone calls out, "PIPER!" Just throws me!! LOL Even the dogs aren't safe from the name calling. Here's an example. Mom and dad have a dog named Simba. First off, Simba is a girl, not a boy. Carly had some weird obsession with The Lion King when we found her. Here are her names in no particular order: Sim, Sis, Poobee, Fatness, Simmy, Simba Poo Poo. Now, you'd think she'd be confused as all get out, but she's not. She answers to each and every one.

Let's move on to the kids in the family. Cale has grown up being called a slew of things, but to my mom and dad, he's Witty. When Pruitt was born, he already had quite a few names (Some of them I have fought hard to get rid of like FATSO UGH!!!) but to mom and dad, he's Itty. Now Easton is in the picture. He's a scrawny little sucker (as of his 2 month appointment yesterday he's 10% for height and weight. Compare that to my giants!!) so he is now called Bitty. So, we have Witty, Itty and Bitty in our fam. So, without further ado, here's a picture of Bitty, Bitty E, Easy money, Bit Bit, ET, Sugar Lips, better known as Mr. Easton. Check out THOSE CHEEKS!!!!!

Posted by piperdanaiok at 10:34 AM CST
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Wednesday, 8 February 2006
Topic: Weirdness
As I sit here holding a VERY heavy, sleeping and sprawled out Pru (AND HE'S SIX MONTHS OLD TODAY!!!), I just wondered how many people actually read this mumbo jumbo that I type out. Who are you? Where are you? What do you do? Stuff like that. It just seems odd to me that people read this. . .on purpose! LOL Of course, as a child it took a very long time to grasp the concept that other people all over actually continue their lives when not in my presence. I guess I thought they just showed up when it was their turn, much like The Truman Show. Who knows. Sometimes I freak myself out.:)

Posted by piperdanaiok at 11:06 AM CST
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Tuesday, 31 January 2006
And the rest is history. . . .
If there's one thing that I'm known for, it's for remembering things that most people don't. Dates, times, what people were wearing. I'm odd like that, but I'm cool with it.

January 31, 1997. Today's date nine years ago. I was in my second semester of college and living it up. I was enjoying my new boyfriend, Michael, had just broken up with another boyfriend, Eric, and had ended a long term relationship with my high school boyfriend, Jason. I vividly remember walking down the hall of the Liberal Arts building and seeing Eric. He ran up to me, waving tickets and just beyond excited. He said, "I GOT US TICKETS!! GET DAVID & MICHAEL!! LET'S GO!!!" As an aside, yes, my friends in college were three guys, two of which I dated. I know. . .strange huh?? Back to my story. The tickets in which Eric was speaking were the tickets to go see the re-release of Star Wars and it was opening day. I ran down the hall, grabbed David, ran down the hall again, found Michael and tried my best to convince him to ditch with us. He would not so we left him :) We piled into my Saturn and headed to the theatre. We were the first group in and boy did we have fun!!

I went about my day and headed home after what little school I finished. I sat down, grabbed two sheets of bright red paper, and wrote a last ditch letter to the man that my heart truly belonged to. It spoke of how much I missed his smell, his voice, his big hands. How I wished we could try just one more time, because I knew we were meant to be together. I poured my heart out in the letter. Then I sealed it, and dropped it in his mailbox.

Back at my house, Michael met me, and, for the second time that day, I went and saw Star Wars again. As he dropped me at my house, I told him that it wasn't fair to him. My heart wasn't in the right place and I couldn't picture myself with him in the long run, no matter how much fun we were having. He didn't take it well, but we agreed to be friends, and we were.

I went to bed that night feeling surprisingly ok with the decisions made. A little before midnight, my phone rang. This was normal for me. My phone rang at odd hours all the time. . .usually Jason wanting me to get back together with him, or my best friend Bill, telling me of his latest girl. But this time. . .silence on the phone. I said hello again, this time more alert. I remember hanging over the side of my bed and reaching for the light when I heard the voice that I had been dreaming of. "HEY. . ." And my reply?? "Oh man. . .holy. . .is it you?" He laughed his big hearty laugh and said, "Who did you think it was going to be?" We talked for two hours that night and into the morning. The next day, we met and we've been together ever since.

Chris carried that letter in his wallet at least two years into our marriage. He said it took all night and lots of talking with his friends to make the decision to call me. To make the decision that would change the rest of our lives. I thank God every day that I had the guts to write out that letter, to drop it at his house, to tell Michael goodbye. It's a decision that I joke about regretting, but everyone knows I don't regret it. Not one single bit.

Nine years ago tonight. . .a heart felt letter and one phone call. And the rest. . .is history.

Posted by piperdanaiok at 10:59 PM CST
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Thursday, 26 January 2006
I've been inducted
Topic: Momma's Lover Dover
Yes, it's true. Tonight I was inducted into official motherhood. Yes, I've had two children, but never have I had to endure this. I made it 3 years 8 1/2 months without one spewing episode. But tonight it changed.

That's right people. Cale, momma's lover dover, puked all over the white rug in our living room. Chris almost followed suit, but I ushered the two of them to the bathroom and scrubbed for 30 minutes on my hands and knees.

Welcome to TRUE motherhood!!! And what a NaStY welcome it was!

Posted by piperdanaiok at 8:41 PM CST
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Wednesday, 25 January 2006
Topic: Momma's Lover Dover
I'm feeling rather. . .nostalgic right now. You know that feeling when you know time can't stand still no matter how much you want it to?? Almost a rolling in the pit of your stomach?? That's what I feel. Cale is now in a big boy bed. No more toddler bed. This I was fine with, but it's taking down all the stuff that matched his "Moo blanket" that killed me. I just took down his valance and boy howdy, I'm grasping at straws not to meld into a hysterical mess. I talked Chris into buying the more expensive quilt for his bed so that I could hold onto the stars on his wall and his lamp (albeit without the hey diddle diddle lamp shade). I also kept his "moo blanket" since it's his and I want him to have it. Everything else. . .gone. Totally and completely gone. *Sigh* WHY DO THEY HAVE TO GROW UP?? I'm glad it's over with though. And the silver lining? I get to go shopping for another window treatment and lamp shade! :)

Posted by piperdanaiok at 4:59 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 25 January 2006 7:52 PM CST
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