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Blah blah blah
Thursday, 27 July 2006

I put the topic as weirdness because this just seems odd to me. I was pointed in the direction of an article that says people are outraged at BabyTalk's latest cover.

I understand that most of our mothers were not encouraged to breastfeed. My mom wasn't and she gave birth to a preemie. Now studies show that breastfed preemies gain weight faster and get released faster. I also understand that many think breasts are only to be seen in a sexual way. My issue with that statement is that they are there to make milk to feed children. There was no formula back with Adam and Eve. I'm pretty sure her children were breastfed. And just because we have the technology to make up a breastmilk imitator doesn't mean it's best.

People also make comments like, "It's just so convenient." Really?? To measure out water, measure out powder, make sure you have a clean bottle and nipple, shake it up and then serve it to a baby that is screaming bloody murder? I personally find it more convenient to unclasp the nursing bra when my baby is hungry and BAM, instant gratification.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that there are people that just do not want to breastfeed. I also understand that there are people out there that couldn't get breastfeeding to work for them. My point is this: if you chose to bottle feed, that's your decision. If you choose to breastfeed, that's your decision. But please, don't bash breastfeeders for feeding their babies on the spot. I'm a very modest breastfeeder. I cover up and keep covered. There's nothing wrong with what I do so leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. If I decide to whip it out in the mall and walk around in a full Janet Jackson moment, yes, that's inappropriate. Just remember how much more we tolerate from commercials, advertisements, even the 21 year old girl down the street who wears crop tops all summer long. What's the difference?

Also note that I am not debating the nutritional differences between formula and breastmilk.  If you want information on the health benefits of breastmilk, please let me know.  I'll gladly give that information to you.  So feel free to call me crazy, call me crunchy, call me smart.  It's your opinion, and you're welcomed to it.  This is my blog and I'm going to publish my opinion:  Breastmilk is best.  I wouldn't have hooked myself to a pump for 11 months if I didn't believe that.  I'm a breastfeeder and proud of it.  So is my family.  Ask 'em.  They'll tell you. :)

Posted by piperdanaiok at 10:15 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 26 July 2006
Ode to my birthday
Topic: Me!


My birthday was June 28.  Yes, this is late, but better late than never right??  Please read the following as you would read JOYFUL JOYFUL WE ADORE THEE.

June the twenty-eighth was my day, but oh dear birthday, you did suck.

Nothing seemed to go the right way.  Guess I've just run out of luck.Early wakings, cranky babies, pain from teeth that were no more.

With it starting oh so badly, it seemed like it was just a chore.

Pitifully I cried myself back into a much needed nap.

Woke to find my hair appointment was in 10. OH NO! OH CRAP!

Rushing, running, driving wildly.  But I made it, all was well.

Hundred dollars later I was done and I was looking swell.

For my lunch, again I had soup.  Found out mom'd been robbed that day.

Oddly dad's identity'd been used in Florida far away.

Grandmas didn't call me and then Bubba jabbed me in my jaw.

Couldn't eat my birthday dinner 'cause my gums were swollen and raw.

Highlight was to be my favorite pie that mom had brought to me.

Opened it to find that it was messed up, unsurprisingly.

Choked it down then kicked them out, I just wanted to go to bed.

This year's birthday wasn't lovely, I've worked on pushing it from my head!


Posted by piperdanaiok at 4:41 PM CDT
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Monday, 3 July 2006
The Wisdom Teeth Drama
Topic: Me!

Yes, I made it through. . .by the skin of my teeth literally.  Wanna hear the story?  Like you don't have better things to do, but here it goes.

After the pill popping, I turned the computer off and headed to bed.  I sat there talking to Bubba and thinking to myself the entire time, "This valium sucks. It's not doing a thing!!"  What I had failed to realize is that I was talking nonsense on the outside, but making total sense on the inside.  For example: One of the last things said to Chris was, "Don't forget to brush your teeth."  WHAT??? HUH???  It made no sense to him considering we were talking about his truck.

I wake the next morning to a quiet house.  I was the first awake.  I took my 4 antibiotics like a good girl and started poking Bubba in the shoulder.  Then I said, "I sure hope mom doesn't decide to come over early and set the alarm off."  He asked me how I was feeling yada yada yada and then WOOWOOWOOWOOWOOWOOWOO the alarm goes off because mi madre CAME OVER EARLY!!  Cale flips out and Pru sleeps through it and mom feels like an idiot and dad calls right as she does it and she jumps down his throat *sigh*  That loud WOO'ing should have been my signal for what was to come, but did I listen? Nope.  We get dressed and get around and head to the office.

As we check in, the receptionist said, "Who are you here to see???"  I said, "Dr. D."  She looks at me and says, "You're actually scheduled for Dr. C.  There must have been a mix up."  That's when I absolutely break down.  I had explained all my fears/anxieties/situations to Dr. D and he "got" what was going on, but I knew, and I also told her and Bubba, that if I left that office I was NOT coming back.  So Chris herded me over to a chair to try and ease my fear.

They immediately called me and the doctor came in.  He said he'd heard about the mix-up and didn't want to continue the surgery if we weren't comfortable. I honestly couldn't speak.  I was beside myself.  I'm sure you've never seen a 27 year old blubbering woman shaking so bad that she can't sit still.  Yeah. . .it was that pitiful.  Chris talked to him and we decided to go ahead and proceed.  He kissed me and left.

The nurse had me sit back and explained that they were going to give me nitrous to calm me down.  I was rather excited because I needed calming.  They waited. . . .and waited. . . and waited some more.  I was still shaking and crying and shaking.  So we waited. . .another nurse came over to evaluate the quality of my veins while we waited.  Then Dr. C came over and said, "Did you take your valium Dr. D prescribed?"  My answer, "Yes, last night like he told me to."  He then replied, "You should have been given one to take before you came in this morning." YA THINK????  He then remarked to the nurse to wait some more.  I was still shaking and I remember taking a nice deep breath with the nurse as she said, "Ok, you're going to feel a light poke right NOW." Yep. . .I felt it. . .then the next thing ya know I'm waking up crying.

The nurse told Chris that I woke up the way I went out, "slightly emotional" was her term.  You could say that.  I remember asking immediately if they'd taken all four and ONLY four and they said yes.  Then the nurse started yelling at me, "PIPER.  I need you to STAND UP HON!  PIPER STAND UP!!"  You've just woken me up from the deepest sleep ever and you expect my brain to get my limbs to work.  Probably not.  After getting me to recovery and quizzing Chris, they decided that I'd had my limit of pain meds due to the fact that I'm still nursing Pruitt.  GREAT!  I was already in pain and couldn't have a thing for it.  They get me in a wheel chair and get me to the car.  I vaguely remember that, but I got home in one piece and got settled with my blanket, chair and a pen and paper.  I may have been in pain and/or drugged, but one thing that never left me was my sense of humor.  I was apparently making jokes the minute I stopped crying.  See. . .I'm cool on drugs ;)

Now, I was very very particular in following my post-op directions, however the next morning I felt a massive blood clot drop from the roof of my mouth.  That was rewarded with an emergency trip back up to the office where I was told how HARD it was to get my teeth out.  Not what I wanted to hear.  Since my surgery on 6/21, I've been back to that office four times already.  Each time I get to hear how hard it was to get two teeth out, that there was extra hard pulling and drilling, that I'd be swollen for awhile, that I'm a slow healer and that I'm a trooper for hanging in there.  I did have bruising. . .looked like I'd been smacked in the jaw with a bat.  And to this day, at almost 2 weeks later, I am still swollen and not eating regularly.  Do you know what I'd give for some Mexican food??????  I have lost some weight, but still, I do not like my right to eat being taken from me.  I also still have this unique, what we call, Holly Hunter'esque lisp when I speak.  I can't yell - a fact that thrilled Chris & Cale, but the eating still is my main desire.

See what I mean?  I seriously made it through by the skin of my teeth.  Will I ever feel normal?  I feel like it won't come soon enough, but I sure don't want to rush it.  If the laundry could do itself, the house could stay clean and the boys could take care of themselves, I'd be fine with being down this long.  But unfortunately, my title of "Mom" doesn't come with sick time off.  The world goes on and I must be the one to do the work.

Until next time friends. . .I transcribe "Ode To My Birthday."  Stay tuned for that piece of work.

Posted by piperdanaiok at 10:58 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 3 July 2006 11:23 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 20 June 2006
Shaking in my boots. . .if I had boots
Topic: Me!
I am typing on borrowed time. . .I just took a valium to calm me down and help me sleep. Why would I need this you ask?? I'm having four wisdom teeth removed tomorrow and I am TERRIFIED!!!! I've heard it's not nearly as bad as it seems in my head, but it doesn't make it any better. I pray I sleep through the next week.

Just think happy thoughts and say a prayer for me if you could spare one. I'll be put totally out (THANK GOD!) and have tons and tons 'o drugs ;) I'd love to put it off, but I'd just be delaying the inevitable so I might as well get it over with so I can enjoy my birthday next week.

Yes, I'll make it through, but I surely won't enjoy the ride.

Posted by piperdanaiok at 10:46 PM CDT
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Monday, 5 June 2006
Happy Birthday Bubba!!
Today is Bubba's 29th birthday. It was planned to be a fun day but a series of events have occurred that have kept us from fulfilling that plan.

1. Cale woke up at 7am with a temp of 102.9? - he has strep.
2. Pruitt has been teething and in a ridiculously vicious mood - as vicious as an almost 10-month old can be :)
3. UPS has YET to deliver Chris' birthday present.
4. Because of Cale's illness, plans were canceled for dinner.
5. Because of 1-4, we've done nothing but go to the pediatrician's office and sit here at home in the dark (the light hurt Cale's eyes and he's slept all day).

It hasn't been the happiest of birthdays for Bubba, but we'll postpone party day for later in the week.

As for me. . .my day just started looking up. I've been wanting a specific pouch for months now. . .I really like it. I just didn't have the money. Well, Joanna, the owner of Heavenly Bundle posted a message to me saying that she had my size and would love to help get it to me. WELL. . .she just welcomed her new baby girl into the world almost a month ago so I asked if she was going to have a "Welcome Baby" sale. SHE SAID SHE WOULD SO I GOT MY POUCH AND IT WAS ON SALE AND I AM SO HAPPY I COULD JUST SCREAM BUT I WON'T BECAUSE PRUITT IS SLEEPING! YEE-FREAKING-HAW I'M EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok. . . calm. . .deep. . .breathing. . .sloooooooooowly. . .;)

Posted by piperdanaiok at 6:15 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 17 May 2006
Four years
Topic: Momma's Lover Dover
Four years and one week ago today, Cale was born. It was a long week then and it has been a long week this year too. We've made a cake, cupcakes, opened a zillion presents, assembled toys, added batteries, played games, taken pictures and the grand finale is tonight. Cale and I will attend The Wiggles concert.

I haven't handled this birthday any better than previous years. He just seems so freaking grown up and it pains my heart. Even at his 4 year check up on Monday (weighing in at 45lbs - 95% and measuring 3'10" - off the charts for height) he was bigger than normal. He received 3 shots and DID NOT SHED A SINGLE TEAR while receiving them. He held onto me and I to him and the nurse administered them in his skinny long legs. He did so well and the nurse told us that she's always kicked at this age and has NEVER had one be as calm as Cale. Seriously. . .he should have thrown a fit. Shoot, I throw a mega fit if I have to get a shot or get so close to passing out when getting blood taken that I'm watched like a hawk.

Every day for the past week, and every minute I've relived in my mind. . .from getting the news about my blood pressure, going in for the induction, getting my water broken, getting the epidural, being fully dialated, starting to push, his entrance into the world, the news on his jaundice, them admitting him to NICU, me being released, our trips to NICU for feedings and finally, his grand finale of coming home on May 15, 2002. See. . .that's how I live, wondering if there might be a parallel universe where I am living this in real time. . .wishing I could help myself if there was. There's even a new commercial that I saw for the first time on his birthday. It shows the hospital and I can see the room where he was born. . .second floor first window. . .the room where my life was changed forever. I'll never be the same and I thank him for that. I love him for it. He's an exquisite miracle that we'd waited so long for and he is SO worth it.

Posted by piperdanaiok at 7:58 AM CDT
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Thursday, 4 May 2006
Who's my baby's daddy?
Topic: Weirdness
For some reason or another, we happen to be rather intrigued with the Maury Povich Show, especially when they are doing paternity tests. I guess because they always find the most backwards people. . .you know. . .the girl that slept with her cousin or her boyfriend's stepdad's brother? Serves as a reminder that we don't have it all that bad.

But now we know why NOT to watch it in front of a 3 year old. The following is a conversation that transpired between Cale and my dad last weekend.

Cale ~ Odie, do you like steak?

Odie ~ Yes, I do.

Cale ~ Do you LOVE steak?

Odie ~ You could say I LOVE it.

Cale ~ Are you sure?

Odie ~ *giggling now* Yeah. . .I'm pretty sure.

Cale ~ Are you positive?

Odie ~ *now trying not to laugh* Yeah. . .I'm positive.

Cale ~ Are you 30 60 90 positive?

Odie ~ *unintelligible due to laughter*

Thank you Maury for providing my child with the need to go above and beyond the standard "100% positive."

Posted by piperdanaiok at 8:51 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 3 May 2006
Lookin' good!
Topic: Me!
Today was a day that made me happy. Imagine that! A happy day in the midst of my chaotic life. It didn't start out well with Cale's wild behavior and me not getting everyone around in time to get Cale to school. Luckily, daddy was able to salvage our nasty beginning to May 3.

Once Cale was out the door, I got Pru around and then worked on myself. I knew I had a lot to do (do you realize that in ONE week my BAAAAAAAAABY will be FOUR?!?!) to get ready for Cale's birthday so I knew today would be a wild ride. When getting dressed, I decided on a new top that Chris had talked me into. It's a top that I wouldn't normally wear or pick for myself, but I let him steer me. After I was ready to go, I took a look in the mirror and had an Emeril moment. "Self! You look pretty snazzy momma!" :) That's a rare feeling since I've not been exactly pleased with my post-c-section body.

When I went to mom's, she said, "HOT MOMMA!! WOO!!" Then my sister said, "Holy smokes!! You look awesome!!" So I decided to stop by Bubba's work. . .to show him the "goods" :) He walked out the door and smiled a HUGE smile. He walked up and said, "Niiiiiiiice. . ." Then we did the small talk thing and I could tell something wasn't right. When I asked him, he said, "I'm thinking of how I can rearrange my schedule today." WHAT?!?

You know you look hot when your husband decides to take a half day off work. . .shoot. . .how can he have me out running around the city looking FINE??!!?? ;)

That just made my day!

Posted by piperdanaiok at 10:36 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 25 April 2006
A fascination
Topic: Me!
Most people that know me well, know that I'm scared of tons of things: spiders, bugs in general, mice, thunder, the dark, UFOs :) I'm the biggest pansy. . .seriously. HOWEVER. . .I have a very deep fasincation with tornadoes.

You may have seen footage or pictures of the tornadoes that decided to develop west of Oklahoma City last night. I literally CRAVE tornado season. I sit in front of the television, often times BEGGING Bubba to let me go chase the storms. Every time he says no. But then there's the story of the June 13th tornado and I'm gonna share it with you, of course.

The date was June 13, 1998. Chris and I were not yet married, but had been hanging out at my mom and dad's house. Chris owned (well, still owns) a truck and it was his baby. Literally. He'd make me walk two miles so that his truck wouldn't be within throwing distance of another vehicle. When the threat of hail occurred, he'd rush it someplace safe. . .someone that had a garage that he could put it. . .a car wash. . .or our favorite, a dry cleaners. On the evening of June 13, hail threatened. When they said the word "hail" on tv, Chris jumped up and grabbed his keys. I was hesitant on leaving because after "hail," I heard "circulation" and that got me all kinds of excited. As we headed out the door, I told Chris that I wish I'd grabbed my mom and dad's video camera. He didn't understand why. . .it was just hail. No biggie. I knew better. We drove like mad to get to the huge awning of the dry cleaners just a few blocks away. . .just as the rain started. We were listening to the radio and Oklahoma's infamous Gary England stated that there were two cells merging and that they both had strong circulation. These storms were merging directly west of where we were sitting. . .directly west of my house. . .and they were headed due east.

The rain poured and then came the hail. Chris sighed a deep sigh of relief knowing that his precious truck was safe (and his truck sought safety with another truck belonging to a friend of ours from high school) and what did I do? I peaked around the side of the building to see what I could see.

THERE IT WAS. Low circulation. I'd never seen it in person before. I was stoked. I was hooked. Apparently, not thinking eXaCtLy straight, I walked straight out into the hail and rain to watch. I made two phone calls, one to a woman I worked with from South Carolina (she was definitely freaked out) and one to a friend that lived in the neighborhood across from where I was. He was outside too and he said it was incredible. He was standing DIRECTLY under it.

As it headed towards me, it moved south just a bit. I still stood totally awe struck underneath the swirling black clouds as the tornado started to rope down. This is when Chris lost it. He grabbed my arm and started yelling at me to get in the truck. I couldn't. I just stood there as it roped a bit more and swirled faster and faster. I never felt scared, but Bubba did and he laid into me about it later :)

I seriously watched this wall cloud spin and rope out and the last thing I remember before Bubba heaved me into his truck against my will. . .the rope of the tornado grazed the top of the Blockbuster Video sign directly to my south. This sucker was going to tornado and it hit me that it could come on down and hit my house.

Well, Bubba backed his truck up clear across the parking lot as we watched this rope go up and down into the wall cloud. Yes. . .it did eventually touch down, but it touched down on the east side of Lake Hefner. And the wild thing about this particular tornado is that once it touched down, it didn't head east or northeast like the majority do. Instead, it headed south. Rather a bizarre sight as far as tornadoes go.

There you have it. My closest encounter with a tornado as of this date. Chris calls me a budding meteorologist because of my fascination and amateur knowledge of the weather. Shoot. . .I'm proud to say that many of my weather pictures have been featured on Rick's Pix. He told me last night that he can see me out chasing storms in ten years. I'd hate to wait that long. I would love to do it NOW. :) But then we have the issues of not sleeping after the adrenaline wears off. . .but I still won't give it up. Strange goal to have huh?? :)

Posted by piperdanaiok at 10:57 PM CDT
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Friday, 14 April 2006
Back on my word
Topic: Me!
Chris called me on something this week. I'm usually a person that sticks to her word. Seriously. If I tell you that I'm going to hug and kiss you when I see you, I do it. Regardless of where or who is around :) I'm just one of those people and my word means a lot.

HOWEVER, Chris told me that I had gone back on my word. It's true. He didn't lie. I did. I swore up and down and cross-wise that my child would not wear any camo clothing. I don't like it. I know it's the "thing' to do, but I've never been one of those to keep up with current trends. I'm more of a "preppy" and "classic" dresser. You know. GAP type. But my mom went shopping and bought Cale camo shorts and a camo shirt (not to be worn together because then I would DEFINITELY blow a gasket!). Cale ADORES them. He calls them his "Soldier Clothes" and asked where his matching hat was (his Uncle Tatee is in the Army and he knows the uniform). I had to inform him that he didn't have a hat, but that he can wear EITHER his shorts OR his shirt.

Yes, I should have never said never, but I still have yet to put him, in his almost 4 years of life on the outside, in a character shirt and/or pants. That's one thing I'm sticking to my guns on. I leave that to the underwear that no one sees. Evil momma :)

Posted by piperdanaiok at 10:10 AM CDT
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