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Blah blah blah
Tuesday, 20 December 2005
My day
Topic: Weirdness
Have you missed my witty and sarcastic blogging?? :) Yeah well, I'm feeling a bit feisty today AND both the boys are asleep at the same time for the moment so I'll tell you about my day and my thoughts.

First off, I am the farthest thing from a morning person. The phone freaking rings at 7:45am which REALLY TICKED ME OFF. They hang up. LOVELY! I drift back off and the phone rings again but this time it's 8:25am. It's mom. She tells me to call her back when I'm up. What's wild is the fact that she's the second person I call every morning so why did she feel compelled to call? First I call Bubba and then I call her. It's just the way my world works. So I hang up with mom and roll over to see Pruitt, on his back, arms and legs flailing and him smiling at me with his blue eyes sparkling. Then I hear Cale announce that he's awake and wants to see Pruitt.

I get everyone up, dressed and fed in time to get to Cale's speech therapist 5 minutes early. Here's where I get ticked off again. This woman, Mrs. H, told me that she would gladly come out to the car to get Cale and bring him back on his speech days. She was very nice about it and said she didn't want me to have to get the baby out of the car. I thanked her numerous times and we've had that arrangement since. I waited for FIFTEEN MINUTES and she never showed. Now, I know you're thinking, "Seriously, just get Pruitt out of his car seat and walk Cale in the building and walk back and it's all done and over with." BUT, Pruitt is sick and it was SNOWING and it was 30? outside. Those three things don't mesh well together. But I ended up getting them both out of the car and taking them inside. And it's not like me to be confrontational, but I let her know that I had been waiting out front for 15 minutes and now I was late taking the baby to his doctor's appointment and Chris would be picking Cale up because of it. *taking a breath* She was visually ticked off back at me. . .not my fault. If you say you're going to do something then DO IT. UGH!!!

So I go to take Pruitt to his doctor's appointment. They have valet parking and I am so not into this. I don't know why. . .it seems odd to me and I'm very particular over my stuff so to send a total stranger with my car bothers me. . .and then there's the tipping, which they say you don't tip, but we all know that you do or they curse you or voodoo you or something. I just don't like it, but I did it regardless. Now I'm at Pru's appointment. This was a re-check from his gastro appointment on 12/12. He's been sick since and so it's kind of hard to know whether the new meds are working or not. She heard him breathe, listened to his lungs and sent us to a chest x-ray to be safe.

We do the chest x-ray and he's such a trooper and tired and cold and I usually bring back up, i.e. mom or Chris, but we were solo this time. So I go to leave and I see this old dude with a shirt on that says "I'M COOL." My first thought was to laugh, then I thought, seriously, man, if you're so freaking cool, you really wouldn't need to proclaim it on your shirt. And it looked like a homemade jobby too. . .nothing against homemade shirts, but on an old dude, just not very becoming.

Then there's the whole, gotta get my car back from the valet and they sit there and hold the door open for you and wait for you to strap the kiddo in and wait for you to walk all the way around the big beast and they're so freaking nice and kind and give you the biggest MERRY CHRISTMAS. And yes, I tipped him, but it didn't make the experience any less painful for me.

Now I sit here, between phone calls from my mom looking for a train table and set and calls from my sister who is hitting rock bottom after "Having so much fun watching him [Easton] sleep that I can't sleep" and wondering what oh what will we do tonight. See how much fun my days are?? And I haven't even heard from my dad! LOL

Regardless, I love my life. There's never a dull moment and things turn on a dime. Maybe I should make my goal for the day to finish off that medium size bag of M & M's. Yummy!!

By the way, why do they have to label their bags like that?? Small bag, medium bag, large bag, then there's that 56 gallon bag that Sam's carries. Now THERE is a goal!!

Posted by piperdanaiok at 3:30 PM CST
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