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Wednesday, 8 November 2006
My first birth
Topic: Doula Talk

For those that don't know, I am currently training to be a doula.  A doula is a woman that is a labor support person for a laboring mom.  I never had a doula with my births, but I know how much I would have benefited from having one.

C and I met when she came to my house for a babywearing class.  I mentioned to her my trauma from my c-section and how I wanted to become a doula so that I can help others from being cut unnecessarily.  Right there on the spot she asked if I would be her doula.   That was August. 

C's due date was 11/14, however she was measuring big.  At 36 weeks, baby was breech and after a visit to a chiropractor, baby turned.  The doctor threatened her with lots of scary things, but she'd always ask for information and statistics and knew that he just wanted her to have the baby on his timeline.

After a weekend of early labor and a false trip to the hospital, C finally decided to go with the induction on Tues.  I let her make her decision, and went up to the hospital at 8:30am to support her.  C wished for a natural labor, no drugs, no epidural, minimal interventions. 

Unfortunately, she got stuck at 6cm for about 5 hours.  She was such a trooper and handled the pain well.  I was nervous because she had really started to need me to reassure her she was doing well and that baby was fine.  Yes, I've been through labor twice and a vaginal birth once, but it is different when you're the one supporting, but I stayed by  her side all day.  I was shocked at my stamina, especially since I'd had a very small breakfast and nothing but water the rest of the day.

C did finally decide she wanted an epidural around 5:45pm.  The doctor planted a seed with her at a weak point and she started insisting.  I assured her that she'd done fine and that if she wanted one she could have one.  I was asked to leave while they administered the epi, but was asked back in after it was in place.  She was still having contractions and was needing help breathing through them.

Not one minute after I entered the room, she gave me a "look" and I asked what she was feeling.  She said, "I NEED TO PUSH!"  I quietly told her not to push, let's pant like a dog instead and I got the nurse.  She was checked and totally complete, before the epi even took full effect.  She stayed nice and calm and relaxed while the dr headed to the hospital, about 10 minutes passed.  When the dr came in he was shocked.  I believe he honestly thought she'd end in a c-section.

Six pushes later, at 6:20pm, a baby girl was born into the world, all 9lbs 4.5oz of her.  It took everything in me not to cry. . .however I did tear up.  It was so amazing to be asked to be a part of a human's first minutes in this world. . .to be there as a new life begins.

Words can't accurately describe the feeling I had when I saw the baby and looked at C.  To see that connection of a mother and her child the MINUTE it happens.  To see dad gasp. . .to see the big sister's eyes shine.  To know that I had helped, to know that I was wanted there to share in these intimate moments, to know that I helped mold a memory. . .to receive a heart-felt thank you after it was over.

There really are no words. . . . . . . 

Posted by piperdanaiok at 1:11 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 9 November 2006 6:24 PM CST
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Friday, 10 November 2006 - 10:35 AM CST

Name: "Dana"
Home Page: http://angstdujour.blogspot.com

Piper!!! It was great to "see" you the other day on my blog.  Wow, a doula?  Freaking amazing girl.  And hey, I *always* tear up when watching a birth (on tv! - man, I'd be weeping if it was in person).  Hugs to Cale and Pruitt - our kids are growing up, eh?  And many hugs to you too.  Dana.

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