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Friday, 23 March 2007
Testing. . .
Topic: Weirdness

For the LIFE of me I cannot figure out why Tripod keeps EATING MY FREAKING POSTS!  I am seriously ticked at it.  Makes me angry.  I don't know what to do about it.  

Wanna know what I've been doing since my last entry?  Two births, three dentist appointments, one filling re-done, one temporary crown, an IV complete with demerol, three days of doula training, two babywearing classes and one rockin' website.

I'll try to catch up later. . . if this works. 

Posted by piperdanaiok at 11:07 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 23 March 2007 11:08 PM CDT
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Monday, 19 February 2007
Pregnant in America
Topic: Doula Talk

I try to be open minded when it comes to birth.  My births went two different directions. . .should I give birth again, it will probably go a different direction.  As a doula, I am here to give information so that my client can make an informed decision.

What do I believe?  I believe there are too many interventions.  I believe that women were meant to give birth.  I believe birth makes women stronger. . .it empowers a woman.  I do not view cesarean sections as birth.  A c-section is a surgical removal of the baby from the mother's womb. . .I do not classify Pruitt's entrance as me birthing him.

It's ok if I don't agree with others and their opinions.  That's fine.  But I do find it interesting to see the number of people standing up for birth and speaking out against insurance companies, doctors and hospitals.  Yes, I do think you can have a great birth experience in a hospital and with the right doctor, but the right doctor can be hard to find.

A fellow doula-friend of mine forwarded me this link.  It's to the trailer for the film Pregnant in America.   Here's the synopsis, copy and pasted from the site:

"Pregnant in America examines the betrayal of humanity's greatest
gift--birth- --by the greed of U.S. corporations. Hospitals, insurance
companies and other members of the healthcare industry have all pushed aside the best care of our infants and mothers to play the power game of raking in huge profits.

His wife pregnant, first-time father & filmmaker Steve Buonaugurio sets out to create a film that will expose the underside of the U.S. childbirth
industry and help end its neglectful exploitation of pregnancy and birth.

Pregnant in America is the controversial story of life's greatest miracle in the hands of a nation's most powerful interests."

Watch it and see what you think.  There's nothing wrong in researching.  You might learn something about yourself in the process.

Posted by piperdanaiok at 1:06 PM CST
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Monday, 5 February 2007
He did what?
Topic: Momma's Lover Dover

Oh heavens. . .the saying, "He did what?" seems to be more and more a common sentence at our house as of late.  See, Cale's teacher doesn't like him much.  Luckily, our God send is the teacher's assistant, Miss E.  The minute Miss E. walked in the door, all was right with the world.  But you know what? Miss E decided to take time off when her daughter had a baby.  Know what that means for Cale??  T.R.O.U.B.L.E.  Simply put.

He's argued.  He's yelled.  He's WALKED OUT OF CLASS. He's rolled around on the floor singing.  He's proclaimed, "YOU are NOT the boss. I AM THE BOSS."

And last week it reached an ultimate high. . .er. . .low.  Chris picked Cale up from school and called me (mind you it takes 4 minutes to drive across the street to the school, but he called anyway).

Chris ~ Well. . .he didn't have a very good day today.

Cale ~ *yelling in the background* SHAME ON SCHOOL!

Me ~ Uh oh. . .what happened?

Chris ~ It seems that he and D (Cale's friend that he has a love/hate relationship with) got into a fight.

Me ~ REALLY?  What were they fighting about this time?

Chris ~ Seriously.  D hit Cale and Cale decked him back.

Me ~ *laughing my fat butt off unable to reply*

Chris ~ Exactly. . .This is what Miss B told me.  I'll try to get the rest of the story.

Me ~ *still laughing* I have GOT to call my mom.  NO!!!!! I HAVE TO CALL DAD NOW.  See you when you get here.

The story went like this:  It was time to pick up toys.  Cale refused so D decided he'd take care of it for Miss B.  He walked over and told Cale to clean up.  Cale told him no and D slapped him.  Cale, in precise Odie fashion, hauled off and hit D.  Everyone else's response??  "He did WHAT?"  How do you handle that one?? LOL

Also last week, Cale had an ear infection and fell asleep on the couch.  When he woke up to find out school had started, he freaked.  His demand??  "TAKE ME TO SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY!!!"  Everyone else's response??  "He said WHAT??" 

Friday afternoon Chris picked Cale up only to find out that he had decided, within the first 20 minutes of class, that he was going to do what he wanted to do.  Apparently, Miss B couldn't handle him and called the P.R.I.N.C.I.P.A.L.   What did everyone else say when they heard this??   "He did WHAT??"  

Today. . .Monday. . .God answered our prayers.  And not just mine and Chris', but EVERY single solitairy soul in our family = Miss E is back!! HALLELUJAH!!!!  

And today, my blog reading friends, Cale had a FANTASTIC day.  So, I shall end with a quote from Chris:

    "How much money will it take to have Miss E stay with Cale through high school?????" 

Posted by piperdanaiok at 11:35 PM CST
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Sunday, 28 January 2007
Hello hello come in??
Topic: Banjo Pickin'

Dude. . .over a month and no entry??  Sorry. . .life gets away sometimes you know?!?  So. . .what's new. . .we made it through Christmas (a story I will DEFINITELY share soon) and we made it through New Year's.  We've also made it through the last 2 weeks when Cale has had 1. Strep throat 2. The Flu 3. Double ear infection.  This POOR child.  And he's been such a trooper.

I finally kicked my never ending cold too (THANK GOODNESS!!) with a little help from my crunchy friends and a lovely extract called colloidal silver.  It's awesome and tastes like water!!

 But here's why I am here. . .for Christmas, my lovely husband found ONE single solitairy person in the Oklahoma City vicinity that gives banjo lessons.  Yep. . .I said BANJO.  I grew up listening to Pa play and I have always enjoyed bluegrass music.  I finally told my Gram one day (very off-handedly) that I wanted to learn to play the banjo.  It is something I've always wanted to do and she smiled and told me that I could have Pa's banjo.  Little did she know that I was serious.  I don't kid about stuff like this.  Chris made a phone call and, with many emotions, my mom brought home Pa's banjo at Christmas.  It hadn't been played since he passed in Feb 1995.  It's a beautiful banjo. . .one that I'm so very proud to learn on.

I have now started lessons.  I have to drive 35 minutes to get there and 35 minutes back. . .for a 30 minute lesson, but to me, it is SO worth it.  I even try my very best to practice every day for at least 30 minutes.  I can truly say I enjoy EVERYTHING about it, which is good because Annie, my teacher, says I'm a natural.  How rockin' is that?!?!  Anyway, I wanted to share my first song that I've gotten down.  I'm working on two new songs, but hey. . .I'm proud of myself for this!  So enjoy!! 

Posted by piperdanaiok at 7:56 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 February 2007 11:34 PM CST
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Tuesday, 5 December 2006
It won't leave my mind

I heard about it today for the first time and it just won't leave my mind - the story of the Kim Family.  I will continue to pray that they find James Kim and I cannot even imagine the ordeal that they have gone through.  I wish I could do something to help, I wish I could hug Kati Kim and tell her what an extraordinary woman she is.  And what a wonderful gift she gave her children, to keep them fed and nourished for NINE days by breastfeeding both.  Do you hear that?  SHE BREASTFED HER CHILDREN FOR NINE DAYS.  You can't tell me that's not a lifesaving gift.

Continue to keep this family in your thoughts. . .my heart goes out to them. 

Posted by piperdanaiok at 10:52 PM CST
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Saturday, 11 November 2006
Mom & Dad
Last year, 2005, my parents both turned 50. It was not readily accepted by my dad, but mom embraced it and rolled with it. I had my dad help me prepare a "surprise" party for my mom, but in reality, the joke was on him because it was really a surprise party for BOTH. I had invited friends and family and prepared a video of their life. It was rather lengthy so I have shortened and want to share it here. Enjoy the show!
View this video montage created at One True Media
Happy Birthday Mom & Dad

Posted by piperdanaiok at 2:57 PM CST
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Friday, 10 November 2006
Pru's Paci
Topic: Pruitt

I present to you Pruitt's paci. It's called the Binky® Comfort Flex™ Most Like Mother® Pacifier.  We used the same kind with Cale, but since Cale was born, these are VERY hard to find for some reason.  Let me tell you the story of this poor pacifier.

I'm one of those people that doesn't like her kids to have a pacifier.  I guess I just didn't want them to be three and walking around with a paci, so the compromise I made with Chris was that they could have one, but only for sleeping.  That's our paci rule.  When we decided that Pruitt liked the same pacis that Cale did, we inspected them, threw the ones away that were worn, hunted down new ones and washed them all.  We continue to inspect them regularly and only give them to Pruitt when he's sleeping (two naps a day and at night).  We don't boil them, or throw them in the dishwasher.  These pacifiers have not been abused.

So you can imagine my shock when I hear Pru cry like he's being tortured.  I run into his room to see him trying to put this paci back together.  No, he didn't choke on it and we thank God for that, but this scared me!  I immediately called Chris who immediately called Playtex.  He actually talked to two or three people to go over what happened because they couldn't believe it.  They were all worried that the baby was fine, and we assured them that he was, and they all apologized all over themselves.  They sent us three new packages too, but here's what got me.  1.  I never knew this could happen!  2.  I received a "courtesy" call from a representative of Playtex.  She went over what she had heard, then proceeds to tell me that I should have replaced EVERY pacifier after they were 2-3 months old because they break down with "normal" use.  I asked what "normal" use was and she said, "That's an average of being used over a day."  For Pruitt, I don't believe he uses one for the "normal" amount of time in three days combined.  She also tells me that *I* am the one that caused it to break apart because *I* continue to boil them and put them in the dishwasher.  Ummm. . .no. . .not me. . .not this family.  If it's dirty, it gets rinsed off, maybe with a tad of soap if it's not an overly busy day.

I was shocked that this was now being blamed on me, not on a faulty product.  HOWEVER, she did stress a lot how much they want me to send them the pacifier pictured above for quality testing. . .but it's still *my* fault??

I guess the moral of the story can be whatever you want it to be.  It can be a reminder to check your child's pacifiers, it can be a lesson not to buy Playtex, it can be a lesson not to give your child a pacifier.  Take away from this what you want, but I did want it out there. 

Posted by piperdanaiok at 12:43 PM CST
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Wednesday, 8 November 2006
My first birth
Topic: Doula Talk

For those that don't know, I am currently training to be a doula.  A doula is a woman that is a labor support person for a laboring mom.  I never had a doula with my births, but I know how much I would have benefited from having one.

C and I met when she came to my house for a babywearing class.  I mentioned to her my trauma from my c-section and how I wanted to become a doula so that I can help others from being cut unnecessarily.  Right there on the spot she asked if I would be her doula.   That was August. 

C's due date was 11/14, however she was measuring big.  At 36 weeks, baby was breech and after a visit to a chiropractor, baby turned.  The doctor threatened her with lots of scary things, but she'd always ask for information and statistics and knew that he just wanted her to have the baby on his timeline.

After a weekend of early labor and a false trip to the hospital, C finally decided to go with the induction on Tues.  I let her make her decision, and went up to the hospital at 8:30am to support her.  C wished for a natural labor, no drugs, no epidural, minimal interventions. 

Unfortunately, she got stuck at 6cm for about 5 hours.  She was such a trooper and handled the pain well.  I was nervous because she had really started to need me to reassure her she was doing well and that baby was fine.  Yes, I've been through labor twice and a vaginal birth once, but it is different when you're the one supporting, but I stayed by  her side all day.  I was shocked at my stamina, especially since I'd had a very small breakfast and nothing but water the rest of the day.

C did finally decide she wanted an epidural around 5:45pm.  The doctor planted a seed with her at a weak point and she started insisting.  I assured her that she'd done fine and that if she wanted one she could have one.  I was asked to leave while they administered the epi, but was asked back in after it was in place.  She was still having contractions and was needing help breathing through them.

Not one minute after I entered the room, she gave me a "look" and I asked what she was feeling.  She said, "I NEED TO PUSH!"  I quietly told her not to push, let's pant like a dog instead and I got the nurse.  She was checked and totally complete, before the epi even took full effect.  She stayed nice and calm and relaxed while the dr headed to the hospital, about 10 minutes passed.  When the dr came in he was shocked.  I believe he honestly thought she'd end in a c-section.

Six pushes later, at 6:20pm, a baby girl was born into the world, all 9lbs 4.5oz of her.  It took everything in me not to cry. . .however I did tear up.  It was so amazing to be asked to be a part of a human's first minutes in this world. . .to be there as a new life begins.

Words can't accurately describe the feeling I had when I saw the baby and looked at C.  To see that connection of a mother and her child the MINUTE it happens.  To see dad gasp. . .to see the big sister's eyes shine.  To know that I had helped, to know that I was wanted there to share in these intimate moments, to know that I helped mold a memory. . .to receive a heart-felt thank you after it was over.

There really are no words. . . . . . . 

Posted by piperdanaiok at 1:11 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 9 November 2006 6:24 PM CST
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Thursday, 2 November 2006
Our Halloween
Well, Halloween has come and gone and it seemed to be going rather well. But wouldn't you know, SOMETHING had to go wrong. It was inevitable right?

We started by ToT'ing at Chris' work that morning. Cale was an un-masked Mr. Incredible and Pruitt, a darling monkey that stole the hearts of many. Candy was plentiful and we had an excellent time.

For ToT'ing that night, we planned on having chili and the family over to see the boys in their costumes. The family came over. However, Pruitt didn't feel the need to WAKE UP so he slept the entire time and missed the night of fun. Cale enjoyed his ToT'ing the neighborhood. Again, candy was plentiful and fun was had by all.

Around 2 am, Cale called out to Chris. Chris answered his call, then returned to me going, "GET UP! He's thrown up." I rush into Cale's room and he plays it off like no big deal. We get his bed changed, him cleaned up and changed, him back to bed and we lay down. Five minutes later, "MOMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It hit him again. This time we figured out it wasn't a one time thing. We'd been through this before. But thist time, Cale literally threw up for eight consecutive hours. The medicine that we had been given back in January didn't touch it. And, to add insult to injury, after the second incident, around 2:30am, CHRIS started. That got me scared. I sat with Cale all night wondering if Pru would follow suit, or if I would get it. I hadn't thrown up in almost eight years and surely didn't want to start!

After a tearful phone call to my mom (hey. . .I needed to vent to someone), she came over just as Pru woke up. Pru didn't want to nurse either, which worried me, but at 8am, he started to whine and proceeded to throw up on himself and the rug. I just simply got dressed, informed Chris that I was taking the boys to the doctor, packed up and off we went. Luckily, the pediatrician is cool with me and wrote both boys a prescription AND one for Chris too.

This entire time my stomach had been aching. I kept praying that was as bad as it would get and was thinking, "So far so good!" When we got back from the doctor's office, mom ran the prescriptions to get them filled, picked up pedialyte and some chicken noodle. She walked back in and asked if I wanted to eat or sleep. I told her I wasn't feeling well, I was off to nap. . .BAM. . .it hit me. It's like my body was waiting for back up. I then laid down and woke up 2 hours later to find a quiet house. Chris was snoring and the boys were GONE. Mom had taken them to her house and, miraculously, both boys were FINE. Neither one would eat, but the pedialyte was staying down.

We were all four a bit tired and beat down this morning, but as the day has worn on, we're doing a bit better. Lots of fluids and sleeping seems to help!!

Regardless of this, I will congratulate Amy for having a better Halloween this year. Guess next year is our year huh??

Posted by piperdanaiok at 5:41 PM CST
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Friday, 13 October 2006
My Favorite Things
Topic: Weirdness

Isn't it time for some more of my favorite things??  I do believe it is!  It's been TWO YEARS since my last favorites entry.  Here we go!!

We'll start with Crocs.  Chris said it best.  "With the world being as technologically advanced as it is, why do the shoes that are the most comfortable have to be so ugly?"  I never thought they were that ugly, but they just didn't fit me right.  Then, they came out with Mary Janes!  I got to Dillard's a mere day after they received them in stock and QUICKLY bought the gold pair.  I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM!! They are much narrower and not as clunky as the classic Beach style.  The woman I bought them from told me to buy black so they wouldn't "stand out and be so different" but HELLO!?!?  I adore shoes that stand out and are different!!  How many other women do you know that got married in WHITE Dr. Marten boots??

I always like to include skin care in my favorites list but this time there are TWO :)  The first is by Dove.  I have always been known for my name, my hair and my tan.  Since I've had children, my tan has gone down hill and I've begun to look like a white woman!  (Oh the shock and horror! LOL)  *Somehow* I ended up with a sample of Dove's new Energy Glow Lotion.  OH MY HEAVENS this stuff works and it works GREAT!!  I sported a very nice, smooth and non-orange tan this summer without being in the sun!  And it smells pretty darn good too!!  Now, I put it on about once every 2 weeks to maintain a certain color and no one knows it comes from a bottle.  No laying out, no orange and no tanning beds.  Gotta love Dove!!

On my last favorites list, I poured out my love for Philosophy products.  Yes, I do still love them and enjoy them when I get them (and with a new Sephora store opening in one of the malls, the products will be much easier to obtain), but since my Great-Aunt Myra purchased me some Vitabath, and it's widely available, I've been using it.  Chris has even been seen buying me some for gifts.  It's always a pleasing sight for me!

Next, I'm going to tell you about a product that I was VERY (and I mean VERY) hesitant on even thinking about.  One, because I don't openly talk about a woman's bodily functions (unless I'm helping someone to conceive in which I'm an open book) and two, because this just seemed like a rather "crunchy" thing to purchase.  But once I read about it, and talked to other women about it, it just seemed to make sense to me.  What is *IT* you ask?  It's called the DivaCup.  It's surprisingly comfortable, surprisingly easy to use and surprisingly clean!  Seriously. . .read up on it.  Ask others if they've heard about it.  I love mine and am now a bonified believer.  And as a funny for you, when telling and trying to explain the concept to Chris without him seeing it, he referred to it, and still does, as the "shot glass."  Nice eh??

I've been doing my doula training reading and one of the readings is a book by a woman named Ina May Gaskin.  Since reading her book on childbirth, I now suggest it to any woman that is pregnant.  Even those that aren't pregnant but that aren't done having children, I suggest you read this book.  Some parts are a bit on the "crunchy" side, but the stories are seriously empowering.  As much as I didn't want to give birth again because of the c-section, I can now say I'm *debating* it, which is more than I could say this time last year.

Wanna know something else I can't seem to live my life without?  OXICLEAN!  When someone talks about a stain they can't seem to get out, I find myself trying not to sound like that info-mercial.  But seriously. . .the stuff rocks!!  From breatmilk poops to spaghetti sauce to avocado!  It gets it all out!  And it doesn't ruin the clothes in the process.  Love it love it LOVE IT!

Well, that's all for now.  I know that I have a ton of other things to add to my list, but I must save them for now.  Have a wonderful evening!


Posted by piperdanaiok at 8:34 PM CDT
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